The event will be live streamed here on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce website.
The U.S. Chamber is convening our members and national energy and climate experts to highlight the need to fund the innovation programs authorized in the Energy Act of 2020, including the important role of carbon removal, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in achieving global and national climate goals. In this webinar, experts will explore the status of and outlook for carbon removal and CCUS technologies in light of recent legislative changes, as well as the next set of policies necessary to accelerate their scaling and adoption.
Please see below for the agenda (subject to change):
Opening remarks by Marty Durbin
Remarks from Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY)
Moderated Roundtable: Policy Trends – Challenges and Opportunities for Carbon Removal with Giana Amador (Carbon 180), Michelle Patron (Microsoft) and Dr. Holly Krutka (University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources), with Robert Perciasepe (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions) moderating
Audience Q&A
Common Ground discussion with Marty Durbin and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Moderated Panel: Future Steps for CCUS with Dr. Jen Wilcox (U.S. Department of Energy) and Dan Lashof (World Resources Institute), with Chuck Chaitovitz (U.S. Chamber) moderating
Audience Q&A
Closing remarks
Michelle Patron - Microsoft
Dr. Jennifer Wilcox - U.S. Department of Energy
Dr. Holly Krutka - University of Wyoming
Robert Perciasepe - Center For Climate and Energy Solutions
Chuck Chaitovitz - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Giana Amador - Carbon180
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse - United States Senate
Steve Eule - Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee
Dan Lashof - World Resources Institute

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