Giana Amador
Co-Founder and Policy Director
EnergyInnovates: CCUS and Carbon Removal Policy Trends

David Brown
SVP Federal Government Affairs & Public Policy
EnergyInnovates: Challenges and Opportunities Facing Nuclear Power

Chuck Chaitovitz
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Vice President, Environmental Affairs and Sustainability
EnergyInnovates: CCUS and Carbon Removal Policy Trends

Amy Davis
Vice President and President, New Power at Cummins
EnergyInnovates: Alternative Vehicles and Fuels

Mary Draves
Chief Sustainability Officer & Vice President, Environment, Health and Safety
EnergyInnovates: Plastics and Sustainability

Steve Eule
Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee
Professional Staff
EnergyInnovates: CCUS and Carbon Removal Policy Trends

Representative Lizzie Fletcher
U.S. House of Representatives
Congresswoman (TX-07)
EnergyInnovates: Funding our Energy Future

Josh Freed
Third Way
Senior Vice President, Climate and Energy
EnergyInnovates: Funding our Energy Future